- April 4, 2011
- Case Studies
My next case study focuses on accountability.
Initial situation: Team building process for an executive team that was working in silos. Many assumptions about each other were operating plus the lack of trust that can come from competition. Instead of cooperation and collaboration there was blaming and indirect communication around goals and results. Strategic goals were being implemented slowly or not at all.
Resolution Process: In order to begin to create a new sense of accountability the members of the team agreed to a Team Alignment process that allowed for accepting that accountability begins with a personal focus. This is part of the initial 1 ½ day offsite and in the three follow up meetings.
Several 1-1 opportunities allowed people to talk with colleagues with a specific set of statements that take the personality out of the equation. A series of five statements include the intention to be more accountable and to explore the habit of blaming others or circumstances. Team meetings and follow up sessions continue to highlight this focus.
If your organization is experiencing a similar situation and you would like to find a solution, please visit my website, www.bridging associates.com, and contact me today!