Scaling Up: The Four Decisions Methodology for Business Growth

The Four Decisions Methodology

The centerpiece of Patricia Heyman’s coaching toolkit is the renowned Scaling Up: Four Decisions Methodology. The Four Decisions derive from the Rockefeller Habits that were described in Verne Harnish’s best-selling book, Scaling Up; How a Few Companies Make It… and Why the Rest Don’t.


We’ve used this methodology successfully from startups to medium-sized businesses to large Fortune 100 companies, helping leaders around the globe master the Four Decisions to enjoy higher profits, greater team engagement, and deeper customer loyalty. Neglecting any of these four decisions can put businesses at risk of missing out on significant revenue, profit, and time.

People Decision

Your highest priority is a healthy top leadership team. We’ll help you determine who the right people are for the right roles and make sure they’re all doing the right things. You’ll learn the secrets to hiring and retaining “A-players” and how to coach those with potential to perform at a higher level.

Strategy Decision

Your company’s strategy is the north star for determining your long-term vision and advancing initiatives that support it. Partnering with you and your team, we bring clarity to the Purpose of your business, its impact on the world, and your Core Values as a foundation for strategic thinking. We’ll help you understand your SWT (strengths, weaknesses, and the trends that impact your business) and set a BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal) to guide your long-term planning.

Execution Decision

Execution is often seen as the greatest challenge to success. The Four Decisions approach makes this achievable with specific, practical actions you can take for each initiative. We’ll help you establish Priorities, Metrics, and Meeting Rhythms to ensure that your short-term goals and future initiatives become accomplishments.

Cash Decision

Allowing your team to examine your firm’s cash position helps them to correlate individual performance and team collaboration to the revenues and profits of the organization. This provides them with an opportunity to be more aware of, and participatory, in generating bottom-line results.

Are You Ready?

Ready to strengthen collaboration, accountability, and effectiveness in your teams from the top down?