Want to make 2019 a record year in business growth?

For the past four years I have been using the Scaling Up Methodology with my clients. It is designed for mid-sized businesses. However, having worked with some large Fortune 500 companies, I have also taken the Scaling Up tools and applied them in the larger business sector with success. Small businesses past the start- up phase have also benefited greatly by mastering the Four Decisions of the Scaling Up Methodology to create sustainable growth:

Today, as the calendar year is coming to an end and a new year is approaching, I want to re-introduce a central tool in the Strategy Decision, the OPSP or the One Page Strategic Plan which is a treasure chest in the form of a detailed roadmap to insure the vision for your business reaches its destination.

Strategic Thinking and Execution Planning are two different activities that are often confused, creating a block to progress. Strategic Thinking is always about the future. Execution Planning is the current year using quarterly goals and metrics to see the progress toward the one- year Execution Plan.

As we know, Execution/Implementation is the secret to creating profit, and Team Engagement is a huge part of this. Team engagement, along with greater synergy and effective decision making, is created by Meeting Rhythms at all levels. This insures that implementation of the company vision is part of the DNA of the entire business, involving everyone. I spoke to a VP recently in a large public company that has an atmosphere of impromptu meetings and interruptions that have created a lack of focus and an individual contributor mindset that is affecting the flow of business. We began implementing a meeting rhythm for her team of leaders to create a clear flow of communication and accountability, without the constant interruption and disruption that has become an everyday occurrence. This meeting rhythm is improving the ability of the entire organization to focus and concentrate on the main priorities, instead of compromising the goals. The company now has a regular method of staying in touch with each other and efficiently solving problems. (Learn more about meeting rhythms.)

You’ll notice the One Page Strategic Plan flows from left to right and begins with Purpose and Core Values. Your Brand Promise defines your company and the BHAG is like the North Star for Strategy. Begin to define the purpose of the business beyond revenue and profit.

These four components are listed below:

  1. Core values
  2. Purpose
  3. Brand Promise
  4. BHAG (Big Harry Audacious Goal)

Core values: These are the foundational aspects of your values. They are values you do not want to change, and are basic beliefs. You might fire someone, or lose a sale to make sure these values are kept. Also, these values are alive in the business and you can find someone in the business who demonstrates each of them. The task is to have those values held by everyone and have them demonstrated more frequently in all interactions both within and outside of the business.

Purpose: The “why” of the business. Why you do the business beyond making money. What inspires you, and all of the people in the organization, to come to work and create? What inspires your customers to choose you?

Brand Promise: What differentiates you from the others in your business area? What do you deliver? Making a Brand Promise with two sub promises that you deliver consistently creates a process that attracts new customers and sustainable relationships with current ones. What supporting processes and systems are in place for success?

BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal, From Jim Collins book, Good to Great.) This goal can be 10 ten years out. The inspiration, strategic opportunities and execution plans can all be a part of this goal and give a clear road. It also can be altered of course, however, the detail and excitement about what is possible gives strategy and the execution plan a strong and clear focus.

Once you have these aspects in place, the rest of the strategic thinking and the execution planning can be developed in a way that includes the team approach, allowing for greater achievement.

I suggest you read Scaling Up by Verne Harnish to explore the methodology further, and be sure to read the Bridging Associates Blog as well where these and Collaborative Teams are discussed at length

If you’d like help completing the One Page Strategic Plan (OPSP), please contact me and we can explore how to realize your Scaling Up goals.

