Strategic Planning
Your Leadership Team
Patricia Heyman
Your Leadership Team is the number one asset of your business. Without a quality team you will accomplish little. It can be a challenge to build a leadership team that is engaged and aligned. Many organizations struggle to grow sustainably and profitably because they lack cohesiveness from the top down. Your business may be in […]
Execution Makes It Real
Patricia Heyman
Executing on a Strategic Plan is an area where even the best companies lose focus, mostly because they don’t have solid methods and processes to achieve results. The goal is for processes to run smoothly, with a clear focus and without drama in order to drive your business to industry-leading profitability. Even with the right […]
What Are the Most Common Roadblocks to Successful Strategic Planning?
Patricia Heyman
Can you state your organization’s strategy simply? Can you determine whether or not it’s driving sustainable growth? If you hesitated on your answers you are not alone. The challenge for most is understanding what strategic planning truly means and how to use it to drive profitable growth for your company. Obviously, strategy is a plan […]
Want to make 2019 a record year in business growth?
Patricia Heyman
For the past four years I have been using the Scaling Up Methodology with my clients. It is designed for mid-sized businesses. However, having worked with some large Fortune 500 companies, I have also taken the Scaling Up tools and applied them in the larger business sector with success. Small businesses past the start- up […]
Are You Managing Change or is Change Managing You?
Patricia Heyman
How to create success using change and Intentional Transition. In a recent conversation with a colleague at a consulting company where I partner, we discussed change and how limited the processes are for dealing with the period of transition which is between the change and the new beginning. As we all know “the only constant […]
What is the Ultimate Question You Should Be Asking Your Customers and Your Employees?
Patricia Heyman
One of the best ways to achieve greater results in your organization is through feedback from both your customers, and from internal sources, to keep track of employee engagement and the state of customer satisfaction. But soliciting feedback needs to be strategic or you are wasting valuable time and the precious attention of your customers […]
What are the Questions Every Leader Should Ask When Embarking on a New Year?
Patricia Heyman
Happy New Year! Here are five key questions to ask yourself as you embark on the New Year: 1) Does our strategy reflect the Purpose and Core Values of our business? So often in the “busyness” of life these days we get caught up in lists of things to do versus the why of our […]
Does it Work to Use the Open-Door Policy to Create Connection and Results?
Patricia Heyman
Listening is a major part of effective communication and warrants more focused attention, so today’s post is about how to achieve connection more effectively and how to upgrade your listening and communication. I can guarantee as you give this more attention, particularly as you move into planning for year ahead, you will find that leadership […]
How Can an Annual Meeting Begin to Create Successful Results in the New Year?
Patricia Heyman
Autumn is a time for new beginnings and for creating opportunities for greater effectiveness, success and financial growth. An important aspect of this is to hold an annual meeting in the final quarter of the year to honestly assess the current year and to build priorities and strategic thinking that will bring in new areas […]