Business   Culture of Collaboration   Leadership   Managing Change   Strategic Planning   Team Building
Execution Makes It Real
Executing on a Strategic Plan is an area where even the best companies lose focus, mostly because they don’t have solid methods and processes to achieve results. The goal is for processes to run smoothly, with a clear focus and without drama in order to drive your business to industry-leading profitability. Even with the right…
Are You Delegating Effectively?
Through many years of experience in bringing collaboration and leadership together I have discovered that effective delegation is part of a mindset that acknowledges the essential quality of team vision and communication, as well as empowerment. This is part of an effective Scaling Up process that brings greater success. Often there is discomfort in delegation…
Are You a Leader or a Boss? Your Answer Could Determine Your Success
In this age of a fast-paced, ever-changing business environment, the need for team engagement with collaboration has never been more crucial, but quality communication and connection continue to remain elusive in most business cultures. Because of the technology available to us, information travels at great speed. Truth, misinformation and assumptions also travel quickly. Without clear…
Does it Work to Use the Open-Door Policy to Create Connection and Results?
Listening is a major part of effective communication and warrants more focused attention, so today’s post is about how to achieve connection more effectively and how to upgrade your listening and communication. I can guarantee as you give this more attention, particularly as you move into planning for year ahead, you will find that leadership…
Culture of Collaboration   Strategic Planning
Want the Inside Advantage to Grow Your Business?
In my last few articles I have been sharing valuable growth tools from Gazelles International and the Rockefeller Four Decisions, ones I have been using as a consultant with leadership teams who want to create greater effectiveness and profit within their organizations. In “How Do Core Values and Purpose Create Collaborative Teams and High Performance…
Communication   Culture of Collaboration   Leadership   Strategic Planning   Team Building
What Is The One Thing You Can Do To Move Your Culture Forward In The New Year?
Once again we are coming to the end of the calendar year. Even if your fiscal year begins in another month of the year rather than January, this is still a time for review and planning to come into the New Year with a change. As many of you know one small change can create…
What is a Sure Method for Creating Leadership at All Levels of Your Business?
Today’s article relates to one I wrote on February 3 of this year as I was moving into the work of the Rockefeller Four Decisions. That article began with these questions: How can I develop a team that will not need to talk to me and still move forward? Why do we have a great…
What Can Create the Vital Connection Between Strategy and Execution?
I have been working in the area of meetings for many years as I have explored and implemented greater collaboration and alignment with leadership teams and their direct reports. When I began, meetings were often seen as a waste of time and effort and I often heard the phrase, “the only good meeting is a…
How Can Meetings Build Trust and Develop Talent and Leadership?
As I continue my work with executive leaders I am noticing that many of the new directives being brought into organizations have to do with fostering talent development and leadership to create greater ownership, connection and accountability from the top down. Through my experience it is evident that when communication and the development of trust…
Can the Ability to Conflict Create More Innovation and Profit?
In my last article, Can Trust With Greater Communication Drive Greater Results?, I expanded upon the Introductory meeting outline in our Four Meeting model, which provides a platform for more creative thinking and innovation for business excellence and expansion. I talked about connection and communication being a vital part of the neuroscience of development, and…