The Anatomy of a Great Leadership Team
Building a leadership team that is aligned, accountable and productive is essential to the success of your organization but it’s where many companies often get derailed. So how do you attract the A-Players to your leadership team?
Are You Managing Change or is Change Managing You?
How to create success using change and Intentional Transition. In a recent conversation with a colleague at a consulting company where I partner, we discussed change and how limited the processes are for dealing with the period of transition which is between the change and the new beginning. As we all know “the only constant…
Does it Work to Use the Open-Door Policy to Create Connection and Results?
Listening is a major part of effective communication and warrants more focused attention, so today’s post is about how to achieve connection more effectively and how to upgrade your listening and communication. I can guarantee as you give this more attention, particularly as you move into planning for year ahead, you will find that leadership…
Communication   Strategic Planning
How Do Purpose and Core Values Create Collaborative Teams and Higher Performance?
As a business owner or executive it pays to take time at your yearly meeting to go over the purpose of the company, and the core values you want demonstrated by everyone in the organization; from what they do, to how they involve others in creating results. Even if everyone “knows” the values and they…
Communication   Culture of Collaboration   Leadership   Strategic Planning   Team Building
What Is The One Thing You Can Do To Move Your Culture Forward In The New Year?
Once again we are coming to the end of the calendar year. Even if your fiscal year begins in another month of the year rather than January, this is still a time for review and planning to come into the New Year with a change. As many of you know one small change can create…
What is a Sure Method for Creating Leadership at All Levels of Your Business?
Today’s article relates to one I wrote on February 3 of this year as I was moving into the work of the Rockefeller Four Decisions. That article began with these questions: How can I develop a team that will not need to talk to me and still move forward? Why do we have a great…
What Can Create the Vital Connection Between Strategy and Execution?
I have been working in the area of meetings for many years as I have explored and implemented greater collaboration and alignment with leadership teams and their direct reports. When I began, meetings were often seen as a waste of time and effort and I often heard the phrase, “the only good meeting is a…
Communication   Leadership
How Can You Be More Effective at Managing Up?
“Great bosses embrace a larger purpose–and help their employees embrace a larger purpose–because they know business isn’t just business. Business is personal. We all seek to find meaning in our personal and professional lives.” Author Unknown When you are a senior leader you are likely the one to encourage an environment that uses conscious leadership,…
How Can Meetings Build Trust and Develop Talent and Leadership?
As I continue my work with executive leaders I am noticing that many of the new directives being brought into organizations have to do with fostering talent development and leadership to create greater ownership, connection and accountability from the top down. Through my experience it is evident that when communication and the development of trust…
Can the Ability to Conflict Create More Innovation and Profit?
In my last article, Can Trust With Greater Communication Drive Greater Results?, I expanded upon the Introductory meeting outline in our Four Meeting model, which provides a platform for more creative thinking and innovation for business excellence and expansion. I talked about connection and communication being a vital part of the neuroscience of development, and…