

Are You Managing Change or is Change Managing You?

How to create success using change and Intentional Transition. In a recent conversation with a colleague at a consulting company where I partner, we discussed change and how limited the processes are for dealing with the period of transition which is between the change and the new beginning. As we all know “the only constant…

Are You Delegating Effectively?

Through many years of experience in bringing collaboration and leadership together I have discovered that effective delegation is part of a mindset that acknowledges the essential quality of team vision and communication, as well as empowerment. This is part of an effective Scaling Up process that brings greater success. Often there is discomfort in delegation…

Are You a Leader or a Boss? Your Answer Could Determine Your Success

In this age of a fast-paced, ever-changing business environment, the need for team engagement with collaboration has never been more crucial, but quality communication and connection continue to remain elusive in most business cultures. Because of the technology available to us, information travels at great speed. Truth, misinformation and assumptions also travel quickly. Without clear…

How Can You Win by Sharing Challenges and Problems?

In today’s business environment it is often instinctive to hold your cards close to your sleeve, keeping problems and challenges to yourself, for fear of being perceived as lacking. But in reality, we all have challenges and problems in business, and “no man is an island.” We must learn to engage and collaborate with each…

What Are the Vital Questions We Can Ask That Will Create Strategic Success?

The other day a client remarked to me as we were discussing strategic planning for 2014, “our biggest challenge isn’t strategy but in the execution, and that is where we should concentrate our efforts.” Often we become so caught up in the strategy that we fail to understand the importance of executing, which is only…

Remember the Definition of Insanity?

I was discussing with a current client the other day the essentials necessary to move from the second tier of leadership in her business to the highest level, and the importance of doing things differently to achieve different results. What are the changes necessary in mindset and behavior that will enable her to take that…

How Do You Motivate and Sustain Behavior Change?

I have a physician friend who in the past has worked in a small group practice, and is now part of a very large practice with management of a CEO and Vice Presidents. As we caught up over lunch, he expressed concern over the challenges of not only creating behavior change within an organization, but…

Executive Leadership in the 21st Century: Do We Need to Look at Time Differently?

As you know everyone is so busy now. Every day is filled with things to do, complete and accomplish, and a day can be over in a flash. How often do you look back and say, where did the time go, or, I did not get to what I meant to do today?

Setting Up the Mindset for Essential Collaboration

The most important element of changing to the Collaborative Leadership Model is making the team process a priority. Therefore part of each team meeting should include time to recognize the team process. The focus of the Collaborative Leadership Model is the essential tripod of Communication, Accountability and Solution Focus which you have heard me discuss…

Can We Find Opportunity When We Are Not in Control?

In my last post, I wrote from New York having been stranded there during the hurricane. As luck would have it, I was in a part of Brooklyn that had rain and wind but we managed to keep the power. Our biggest losses were the television and transportation. As you know the subways were closed…