The Collaborative Leadership Process and High Performance are Intrinsically Related

As I write this post in December, I am looking at a white landscape outside my window.  I want to wish all of you the happiest of Holiday Seasons and to encourage you to look ahead to next year.

I see two important focus points in 2012 for executive leaders who want to improve their organizations productivity and results:

  1. Collaborative Leadership
  2. Creating new brain pathways to create High Performance

I am happy to report that the two are intrinsically related; the latest Neuroscience on activating the brain for high performance discusses connection and feedback, as well as solution-focus as major activators.

The work I have shared with you earlier this year on Collaborative Leadership and the elements of Team Alignment has been on this path. I am currently working on two publications; an e-book which will be announced soon and available on my website in early 2012, and a business book, Collaborative Leadership: How to Harness the Power in your People. Both address the relation of neuroscience and collaborative leadership and provide the how-to that will achieve High Performance in your organization. I have been busy interviewing some well known leaders who have used these principles, sometimes intuitively to create great results.

In the meantime, I want to encourage you to implement the four-meeting schedule I shared with you in the previous posts and to share your results:

2012 is the Year of Collaboration and Implementation using both the High Performance Model for making new pathways and the Collaborative Leadership Model.  If you have questions or would like to contribute to the discussion, I would enjoy hearing from you. Please be sure to post a comment. For more information on creating cultural change within your organization visit