From I-Pod to We-Pod: Solution-Focus vs. Blame

Today’s post discusses Solution-Focus, the last element of the High Performance Model I have been sharing with you that will help tranform your organization from an I-Pod to a We-Pod culture.

So far I have given you tips on:

Creating high performing teams in your organization through regular communication and accountability develops the roadmap for a solution focused culture; one that encourages creative thinking and innovation, producing greater results.

When your teams are solution-focused, everyone has the opportunity to participate in a proactive way to create solutions. For your next team meeting create greater collaboration by:

Present an initiative, goal or area of issue to the team that is important to the strategic plan.

  1. Divide the main team into smaller focused groups that each present their piece of the project and challenges they are facing to the other groups to solicit input and suggestions.
  2. Have each group create specific plans during their presentation that include implementation and immediate actions steps.
  3. Encourage individual team members to meet off line with their accountability buddy to help them move forward with challenges.

When you move from an I-Pod to a We-Pod culture you lead through collaboration; understanding the primary importance of the team you are member of can carry greater potential than the team you lead. In other words, make the team of your peers a laboratory for bringing forward the collaborative culture mind, utilizing the Communication, Accountability and Solution Focus ideas as a  proactive member of your own leadership team.  Encourage solution-focus vs. blame by creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and challenges and have regular a forum in which to do so.

If you ‘re interested in exploring the Collaborative Leadership, High-Performance Model more in depth, be sure to check out our upcoming virtual class series starting May 15.

Do you have a solution-focus success story or challenge to share? I’d enjoy hearing from you; please be sure to leave a comment.