company culture


Do You Know What to Look for in New Hires That Will Double Your Success?

Oftentimes, in the hiring process, we get off track looking for skills in a job rather than at the person and the qualities they bring to the table. As part of the Rockefeller Four Decisions work, strategic planning includes setting a purpose for the business, naming core values that are alive in the business, and…

Leaders: Are You Making the Important Connections?

How is it that days go by with certain priorities still looming and undone? My forthcoming book, Jumping From the I-pod to the We-Pod: Breaking Through the Barriers to Essential Collaboration is our format for making connection the number one tool for getting things done and projects completed. Leaders are expected to have ideas and…

Engage Yourself and Your Team for Strategic Results!

In past posts I have shared the development of the Collaborative Leadership process and the Strategic Planning aspect taken directly from my experience in working with top level executive teams, and organizing and attending their strategic planning meetings where collaborative discussion takes place and strategies are created. However, during the ensuing year, I’ve noticed that…

How to Make the Strategic Jump from an I-Pod to the We-Pod

While everyone agrees collaboration creates results, resistance to spending the time and resources to allow for teams to learn how to collaborate effectively has led to isolated, disconnected employees (I-Pods) rather than more productive, collaborative teams (We-Pods). I am part of the shift towards the Collaborative Leadership Model and to creating a collaborative culture that will…

From I-Pod to We-Pod: Solution-Focus vs. Blame

Today’s post discusses Solution-Focus, the last element of the High Performance Model I have been sharing with you that will help tranform your organization from an I-Pod to a We-Pod culture. So far I have given you tips on: Creating a 4 meeting jump-start process for your team Improving Communication to create quality connection and alignment, the four parts…

Jump from an I-Pod to a We-Pod

In previous posts I have promised to take a deeper dive into each component of the upcoming class, Jump-Start Your Team. The entire focus is to jump from the I-Pod to the We-Pod as a culture. Today I’d like talk about the accountability aspect of collaborative leadership and high performance. When using a process like the…

Create Quality, High-Performing, Connections with your Business Teams

A few weeks ago I announced a new, online interactive training series starting May 15 that offers busy business executives a jump-start method for propelling their teams into high performance mode.   In today’s post, I want to more fully explain one of the main elements outlined in the series for creating high performance in…

Harness the Power in Your People, Create Teams who Produce More Results: Free Webinar, March 27

Are you a business leader managing fewer resources for more profit? In today’s business environment companies must produce greater results with less woman/manpower. Organizations focusing on creating collaborative leadership with more aligned team environments are discovering that by fostering communication, accountability and a solution-focused culture, they create more dynamic and sustainable results. Their employees/teams are…

Behavior Changes That Will Improve Your Company Productivity – Part III

A few weeks ago I introduced four aspects for creating a company culture that align individual productivity with team values and goals. So far I have discussed the first two of the four aspects of culture and culture change as they relate to self-management and leading others using daily behavioral changes: • Proactive vs. Reactive • Focus…

Are Your Executive Teams Focusing on Solutions or Blame?

The new neuroscience that is studying the brain and how it works shows that novelty, challenge, connection and creative expressions create the charge that brings in greater productivity individually, and when collaboration is a focus, creates greater overall business results. I have been talking about the process of team alignment and harnessing the power of your organization in my…