Communication   Leadership
How Can You Be More Effective at Managing Up?
“Great bosses embrace a larger purpose–and help their employees embrace a larger purpose–because they know business isn’t just business. Business is personal. We all seek to find meaning in our personal and professional lives.” Author Unknown When you are a senior leader you are likely the one to encourage an environment that uses conscious leadership,…
Can Trust with Greater Communication Drive Greater Results?
In my last published article, How Can You Win by Sharing Challenges and Problems? I introduced our Collaborate Leadership, Four Meeting Model which gives leaders an alternative approach to the development of teams into collaborative and innovative units. This team approach gives organizations the advantage by incorporating individual leadership development as the connection, and alignment,…
Communication   Leadership
As a Leader, How Can You Create Engagement as You Negotiate?
Last week I had the honor to be a leader of a 19-member team during the Women in Leadership Conference in San Francisco. We gathered every day for a couple of hours to digest the day and to begin the process of looking at leadership from a personal perspective as well as to use the…
Leadership   Team Building
How Do You Know Whether You Have Sustained Team Engagement?
In my last post I suggested a team meeting that focuses on process and on creating the connections between everyone on the team. (See prior blog post for the 4-meeting process.) Every time the New Year begins and strategy is created, it is a change for the organization. This link includes a summary and my…