Are You a Leader or a Boss? Your Answer Could Determine Your Success
In this age of a fast-paced, ever-changing business environment, the need for team engagement with collaboration has never been more crucial, but quality communication and connection continue to remain elusive in most business cultures. Because of the technology available to us, information travels at great speed. Truth, misinformation and assumptions also travel quickly. Without clear…
What is a Sure Method for Creating Leadership at All Levels of Your Business?
Today’s article relates to one I wrote on February 3 of this year as I was moving into the work of the Rockefeller Four Decisions. That article began with these questions: How can I develop a team that will not need to talk to me and still move forward? Why do we have a great…
What Can Create the Vital Connection Between Strategy and Execution?
I have been working in the area of meetings for many years as I have explored and implemented greater collaboration and alignment with leadership teams and their direct reports. When I began, meetings were often seen as a waste of time and effort and I often heard the phrase, “the only good meeting is a…
Communication   Leadership
How Can You Be More Effective at Managing Up?
“Great bosses embrace a larger purpose–and help their employees embrace a larger purpose–because they know business isn’t just business. Business is personal. We all seek to find meaning in our personal and professional lives.” Author Unknown When you are a senior leader you are likely the one to encourage an environment that uses conscious leadership,…
How can Connection and Partnerships Increase Your Leadership Influence?
To effectively lead and be strategic from any role in your organization, you have to develop network relationships and partnerships. I was talking with a Vice President this week who is the leader of a global team in a large organization that has many teams involved with different functions of the business. In addition, her…
How Can Change Create Greater Creativity and Performance?
In my last article I talked about organizational change and the crucial stages of transition that create a more positive environment and greater buy-in. I received many comments about the essential ingredients for successful change, and it was enlightening and stimulating to see the thoughts that many are having about this. Our dialogue inspired me…
Leadership   Mindset
Remember the Definition of Insanity?
I was discussing with a current client the other day the essentials necessary to move from the second tier of leadership in her business to the highest level, and the importance of doing things differently to achieve different results. What are the changes necessary in mindset and behavior that will enable her to take that…
Leadership   Team Building
How Do You Know Whether You Have Sustained Team Engagement?
In my last post I suggested a team meeting that focuses on process and on creating the connections between everyone on the team. (See prior blog post for the 4-meeting process.) Every time the New Year begins and strategy is created, it is a change for the organization. This link includes a summary and my…
When You Have a Chance to Create Direction, Do You Take It or Do You Defer?
It’s been an interesting week. I traveled to New York over the weekend for business and as you can well imagine tropical storm Sandy and her aftermath have kept me here since. I’m safe and sound, and if you are on the East Coast I hope you and yours are as well. I started writing…
Leadership   Mindset
Are Drop-in Meetings Sabotaging Your Effectiveness as a Leader?
A few years ago I was asked to coach the COO of a large regional bank. I was coaching the President, CEO, and several senior vice presidents on the leadership team. One of the COO’s goals for our coaching engagement was time management because he was consistently taking work home in the evenings and over…