Are You Managing Change or is Change Managing You?
How to create success using change and Intentional Transition. In a recent conversation with a colleague at a consulting company where I partner, we discussed change and how limited the processes are for dealing with the period of transition which is between the change and the new beginning. As we all know “the only constant…
Do You Know What to Look for in New Hires That Will Double Your Success?
Oftentimes, in the hiring process, we get off track looking for skills in a job rather than at the person and the qualities they bring to the table. As part of the Rockefeller Four Decisions work, strategic planning includes setting a purpose for the business, naming core values that are alive in the business, and…
What Can Create the Vital Connection Between Strategy and Execution?
I have been working in the area of meetings for many years as I have explored and implemented greater collaboration and alignment with leadership teams and their direct reports. When I began, meetings were often seen as a waste of time and effort and I often heard the phrase, “the only good meeting is a…
When You Have a Chance to Create Direction, Do You Take It or Do You Defer?
It’s been an interesting week. I traveled to New York over the weekend for business and as you can well imagine tropical storm Sandy and her aftermath have kept me here since. I’m safe and sound, and if you are on the East Coast I hope you and yours are as well. I started writing…