Are You Managing Change or is Change Managing You?
How to create success using change and Intentional Transition. In a recent conversation with a colleague at a consulting company where I partner, we discussed change and how limited the processes are for dealing with the period of transition which is between the change and the new beginning. As we all know “the only constant…
Are You a Leader or a Boss? Your Answer Could Determine Your Success
In this age of a fast-paced, ever-changing business environment, the need for team engagement with collaboration has never been more crucial, but quality communication and connection continue to remain elusive in most business cultures. Because of the technology available to us, information travels at great speed. Truth, misinformation and assumptions also travel quickly. Without clear…
Can Trust with Greater Communication Drive Greater Results?
In my last published article, How Can You Win by Sharing Challenges and Problems? I introduced our Collaborate Leadership, Four Meeting Model which gives leaders an alternative approach to the development of teams into collaborative and innovative units. This team approach gives organizations the advantage by incorporating individual leadership development as the connection, and alignment,…
Communication   Leadership
As a Leader, How Can You Create Engagement as You Negotiate?
Last week I had the honor to be a leader of a 19-member team during the Women in Leadership Conference in San Francisco. We gathered every day for a couple of hours to digest the day and to begin the process of looking at leadership from a personal perspective as well as to use the…
When You Have a Chance to Create Direction, Do You Take It or Do You Defer?
It’s been an interesting week. I traveled to New York over the weekend for business and as you can well imagine tropical storm Sandy and her aftermath have kept me here since. I’m safe and sound, and if you are on the East Coast I hope you and yours are as well. I started writing…
How Can You Connect With Your Team More Effectively?
I always think of this time of year as a new beginning. I think it comes from the many years I was a student and I always thought of this time as a new start where I was going to get new information, new awareness and become more personally effective. In my last post I…
How Do You Engage Your Team in Decisions?
I recently met with the Santa Fe Opera to discuss the collaborative leadership dynamic on their executive team, as well as how performances are created over a period of a few months. As usual, I discovered that the process is much longer and more involved than it looks from the outside. What seems to take…
Culture of Collaboration   Leadership
Are You Still Leading by Command and Control; or Wish You Could?
It is hard to believe we are in the last month of summer! I hope this post finds you well. Today I’d like to give you some keys to moving away from the Command and Control model of Leadership, which has created the I-Pod existence, to the new leadership model of the We-Pod where communication is…