- May 2, 2012
- Culture of Collaboration, Mindset, Team Building
In previous posts I have promised to take a deeper dive into each component of the upcoming class, Jump-Start Your Team. The entire focus is to jump from the I-Pod to the We-Pod as a culture. Today I’d like talk about the accountability aspect of collaborative leadership and high performance. When using a process like the Jump-Start, High Performance Model, one that promotes collaborative and open communication, accountability becomes a supportive process that leads to greater success.
When I look at the essence of what this process is all about, I realize it is symbolic of the technological time we live in and the new networking opportunities that are possible. Even before the I-Pod culture became as developed as it is now, with the increase in technology, more information to digest, and teams who have global or remotes members, the essential alone quality of working in large organizations has been prevalent.
Because so much of our work is done via e-mail, we tend to work in our own pod or bubble, and have the illusion of connection, yet there is so much information and communication missing, that connection and relationship are stymied. Because our culture has become more virtual, it is essential to find ways that allow all members to experience the full advantage of being part of a team.
In the I-pod culture, where it is easy to reside, we tend to operate in the bubble of isolation. But if we have an accountability partner to discuss goals and action steps with, this bubble disappears, and the connection to other people, working either in the same region or on the same aspect of business, increases. With the increase in connection, solutions are easier to achieve.
As I mentioned earlier, accountability is a supportive process, leading to greater success. The Jump-start process helps companies go from an I-Pod culture to a We-Pod culture. Team members create partnerships that continue over time.
Below are a few tips for creating greater accountability in your teams:
- During the initial group focus meeting, each person chooses a colleague as an accountability partner.
- Partners in a 1:1 conversation set initial goals for the next three months and discuss action steps to be taken within the next week or two.
- 15 to 30-minute regular follow-up calls are scheduled between partners to go over the completion of steps, to discuss progress; what worked and what is challenging. Calls should always stay focused on action steps and goals.
- Each team partner commits to holding each other accountable, and contributes feedback or ideas when asked.
This process begins to break down the isolation barriers that exist in a highly charged, busy and challenging environment. It also gives everyone opportunities for creative thinking, which in an overall way, develops the culture for innovation.
If you’d like to learn more about how to jump-start your team into High Performance, be sure to check out the virtual, interactive class series that starts on May 15. For more information visit: Jump-Start Your Team
Do you have any accountability experiences you’d like to share? I’d enjoying hearing from you; please be sure to leave a comment.