How Can an Annual Meeting Begin to Create Successful Results in the New Year?
Autumn is a time for new beginnings and for creating opportunities for greater effectiveness, success and financial growth. An important aspect of this is to hold an annual meeting in the final quarter of the year to honestly assess the current year and to build priorities and strategic thinking that will bring in new areas […]
Patricia Heyman
What Are the Most Important Processes that Will Empower the People in Your Organization to Scale Up with Sustainable Growth?
Have you ever felt that your job would be great, even easier, if only you were working with the right people? “Good to Great” author Jim Collins feels that People are the most critical of the Rockefeller Four Decisions as a means to successfully grow a business. Collins said, “First who, then what.” The results […]
Patricia Heyman
Culture of Collaboration   Strategic Planning
Want the Inside Advantage to Grow Your Business?
In my last few articles I have been sharing valuable growth tools from Gazelles International and the Rockefeller Four Decisions, ones I have been using as a consultant with leadership teams who want to create greater effectiveness and profit within their organizations. In “How Do Core Values and Purpose Create Collaborative Teams and High Performance […]
Patricia Heyman
Communication   Strategic Planning
How Do Purpose and Core Values Create Collaborative Teams and Higher Performance?
As a business owner or executive it pays to take time at your yearly meeting to go over the purpose of the company, and the core values you want demonstrated by everyone in the organization; from what they do, to how they involve others in creating results. Even if everyone “knows” the values and they […]
Patricia Heyman
How to Conquer the Barriers that Inhibit Sustainable Company Growth
As an organization grows, so do the complexities of running it. In order to handle growth successfully you must first understand and master the typical barriers that can inhibit growth: ineffective leadership; lack of or ineffective infrastructure; and poor understanding of the dynamics in your market. Today’s post focuses on the leadership barrier because “as […]
Patricia Heyman
Communication   Culture of Collaboration   Leadership   Strategic Planning   Team Building
What Is The One Thing You Can Do To Move Your Culture Forward In The New Year?
Once again we are coming to the end of the calendar year. Even if your fiscal year begins in another month of the year rather than January, this is still a time for review and planning to come into the New Year with a change. As many of you know one small change can create […]
Patricia Heyman
How Can You, And Your Teams, Create Growth, Accountability and Alignment
I just had a wonderful discussion with a client who is taking a mid-size business to a new level of leadership and alignment. We have been using the Scaling Up process for about six months, following 6 months of executive coaching to master the Four Decisions. During this time the leadership team has been formed […]
Patricia Heyman
What are the Most Important Questions You Must Ask Yourself Today to Enhance Business Results?
If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I’ve begun to incorporate the Scaling Up-Four Decisions Methodology in my work with organizations to create greater team alignment using the essential tripod of Communication, Accountability and Solution Focus. The Four Decisions create a practical set of tools that can literally transform a corporation. I have […]
Patricia Heyman
Do You Know What to Look for in New Hires That Will Double Your Success?
Oftentimes, in the hiring process, we get off track looking for skills in a job rather than at the person and the qualities they bring to the table. As part of the Rockefeller Four Decisions work, strategic planning includes setting a purpose for the business, naming core values that are alive in the business, and […]
Patricia Heyman